'Shifting Tides' - Churchill Ongere

Collection: 'Shifting Tides' - Churchill Ongere

Shifting Tides
Churchill Ongere
EBONY/CURATED, Bordeaux House

‘Shifting Tides’ illustrate the tensions inherent in the modern world as human beings and other entities navigate the politics of power, identity, belonging, alliance, competition, and dominance in an ever- changing
global landscape.

In this series of works the artist comments on the changes in the global power-scapes, focusing on the recently witnessed regime changes and retentions in focal countries such as Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, and the United States of America.

Churchill Ongere (1991 - ) is a self-taught, multi-media artist living and working in Nairobi, Kenya. An active member in the Kenyan art community, Ongere works both as a fine artist and an art advocate for freedom of artist expression in postcolonial spaces.

Works on exhibition

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